Occupancy Monitoring Application for COVID-19

Wisenet Artificial Intelligent 4K Cameras can be equipped with the application to monitor the occupancy of buildings such as shops, shopping malls within the scope of Covid-19 virus measures. The application is installed in the camera and is free. With the occupancy monitoring application, you can determine the number of people who can enter the building or store. When the number of people inside reaches this number you have determined, information will be displayed on the monitoring screen that there is no space inside (see image below). When this number of people is reached, you can extract information about the viewing screens that there is no capacity inside. Any event can be triggered (For example, when it is full red, when there is a capacity, such as lighting a lamp green, locking a door or operating an audio file player).

Occupancy monitoring application supports buildings with multiple entrances. Up to 8 cameras communicate with each other. One is set as the main and the other as the secondary camera, and the total number of people in the building is counted on the main camera. 

For example;

If you are in a shopping center with 5 entrances, you can place a camera at each door entrance and count the people inside the building with 99% accuracy, you can tell your visitors whether there is space inside the monitors you can put at each door entrance, and show how many more people can enter before reaching full occupancy.

Differences From Existing People Counting Practices

  • Since the application uses artificial intelligence based algorithms, it increases the accuracy rate up to 99%. This ratio is ~ 90% - 95% in high standard people counting cameras. This rate may decrease even more in economic products.
  • While people counting cameras cannot be used for general security monitoring, Wisenet AI series cameras can successfully run general monitoring, business intelligence, and other video analytics simultaneously. The Wisenet7 chipset provides the camera with this power.
  • While standard person counting cameras should look overhead, it is sufficient that the area to be counted is in the field of view of the artificial intelligence camera. You can fix the camera to the wall, ceiling or a tripod.
  • Business intelligence applications can work simultaneously with occupancy application.

With Occupancy Monitoring Application;

  • It can be determined how many people are in the building at any time,
  • Automatically counts and can show this information to visitors, 
  • It determines occupancy up to 99% clearly and minimizes customer loss,
  • By showing the occupancy to the visitors, it can make the entrance inside independent of the employee,
  • It provides assurance to customers as it informs independently from the employee,
  • It supports trigger based applications such as door locking, light opening, audible warning.
  • An advertisement or warning can be displayed with scrolling text on the information screen.

Since the Occupancy Monitoring Application is installed and used directly on the camera, it does not need a server. It can expand to one master camera and 7 slave cameras. This system calculates the total number of people inside. It has an interface that can be viewed from the internet browser where they are shown. So it can even be viewed with computers like flash memory that can run applications like Google Chrome.


  • From shops, buildings and waiting rooms, the number of people within the specified limits can be checked
  • Helps comply with social distance rules
  • Gives customers clear message about entering or waiting
  • Supports multiple inputs and outputs
  • Counts people with very high accuracy
  • Easy to install, can expand without server
  • No need to look from above to count
  • Not just a person counting solution - use security-enhancing benefits with just one camera, understand customer behavior